Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Sisterhood

Our son Matthew moved his family  from Minneapolis to CA in December, so now none of our five sons lives nearby. Strangely enough, all three of our daughters are still in the area. I thought the boys would find wives and bring them here, and the girls would marry guys who took them off to live somewhere else.

I'm not sure where I got that idea. Probably from my own experience. All my sisters live in different states, and only my sister, Liz, lives in the state of Nebraska (but not the same town) in which we grew up

Anyway, I like having the girls nearby. And it has been a real treat for them to have their sisters here as well. They can trade babysitting time, and we get to see one another often at birthdays, and Halloween, and other special occasions. Sometimes we  plan a girls' day if it gets too long between celebrations. I usually hang out with one or another of them most Thrusdays in garage sale season, and the grandkids bring us together with their events as well.

I had four sisters (no brothers) and I work in nursing which, up until a few years ago, was dominated mostly by female caregivers. It is comfortable being among people who speak your language as it were. (aka Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus).

When my sister, Liz, turned fifty her husband, Tony, who loves to give parties, asked what kind of party she wanted. She told him she wanted to invite all her female relatives. (She has four daughters, no sons). It was a hoot. I brought two daughters and a daughter-in-law from Minnesota. My sister, Paula, flew in from North Carolina with  her daughter and granddaughter.  Martha couldn't come, but sent her daughter from Baltimore, and my mother and sister, Mary, came from MO. Anyway, Liz's girls, and some other female friends also came piling in, and Tony and his guy friends waited on us the whole weekend. It was awesome.

Hearing from and/or getting together with any of the "gals" I have been friends with throughout my lifetime is still a thrill.

So here's to all the women who have peopled and enriched my life. As we say in Minnesota, "I love you guys."


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