Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Golden State

Well, it is semi-official, I guess. Paul told me today he wants to take that trip to California that we have been talking about off and on. It caught me by surprise, since he has not had too much stamina lately. He says just plan it, and he will come along for the ride. (Most of our trips follow this pattern, anyway.)

I am actually quite pleased. I thought that perhaps our traveling days were over, so I am really looking forward to this trip. We drive, which sounds as though it would be harder than flying, but since we travel with a very loose schedule it is less stressful than one would think. Our car runs smoothly, and I like to drive (backroads are my specialty). For Paul it is  like traveling in his recliner, so if he isn't feeling well, nothing is required of him except to just sit there, and he can usually do that.

On the way out we'll stop to see my sister, Mary and my 95-year-old mother in Columbia, MO. Then, I want to see the Grand Canyon.  We have come close so many times on  trips to AZ (Apache Junction area) but never stopped, so that is in the plan. We have two sons in CA and can easily stay at Marcus' two bedroom condo in Burbank or Matt and Jenni's canyon home. Plus we have "points" to use through our vacation club, and can veg out in Las Vegas for a couple of days at one of our resorts on our way home.

And then there is the writers' workshop through the Women's Leadership Institute at Concordia Seward, NE on May 23rd through the 27th. We will catch that on our way home, and even stay in the dorm right next to the dining hall to make it easy for Paul. Nebraska is my home state, that campus is dear to my heart, and a writers workshop? A dream trip for sure.

California, here we come! I may be a little behind schedule though. Having grown up with the Beach Boys,  I  always wished I could be a California girl.

I may still be female, but that girl thing? Not so much.


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