I especially remember hot summer afternoons when my sisters and I would bike to the library and hang around for hours, just happy to be amid such treasure. I devoured the Nancy Drew series and any other mystery that caught my eye. Every page brought new adventure. I marveled at the stories of brave people who fought in the underground in occupied countries during World War II. My imagination soared at the weird and unpredictable tales of science fiction. The myriad books of my childhood showed me that the world was vast, and exciting, and, through those printed pages, I found myself right in the middle of the action.
The library even had a mobile unit that visited our park in the summertime. One girl from my school read at least a book a day in that park. She was 10 or 11 years old at the time. I can still see her sitting on the ground with her back to a tree perusing the book of the day. Big books, not picture books.
I have books in every room of my house. If you are a reader, you know what I mean. I still visit the library at least twice a week. In fact, just yesterday I saw a flyer on my library's door stating that the library will be closed this Thursday for some reason or another. I had to tamp down feelings of panic.
"I have enough books to last through Thursday." I reassure myself. "There are other libraries that are open that day in case of an 'emergency'," I reason. "I think it will be okay." I state bravely.
Paul used to tease that all was well for me at the end of the day as long as I had access to the three "B's". I usually rewarded myself with a beer in the evening (after the kids were in bed for the night). Add to that a book and a bed (making three indespensible "B's"), and I was a happy camper.
Thank you, Mr. Carnegie. Your generosity blessed my life.
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