Good Friday 2022
A lot has happened since I posted last. My husband, Pastor Bob Krueger, entered his eternal rest last November. He had a bad heart, and just wore out. He died at home, under hospice care, and faced death with his faith fully on view. Teach us, Lord, so to die.
I moved back to my townhouse and have been busy with my books. I am in the process of re-releasing The Pewsitters and re-releasing Eagle River Detectives Book 1 This One's for You Dad. Once that is finished. a couple of months later, Eagle River Detectives Book 2 Tim Grant, Reluctant Hero comes out. These books will all be on Amazon. I am working on Book 3 of the Detective series, Book 2 of the Pewsitters, and a book on How to comfort those who grieve. I sound more hardworking than I am. Lately I have been I writing every day, but that usually means 500 words or less. I have no idea why I am adding blogging to my schedule, but I felt so moved, so here I am.
Today is Good Friday, a solemn and important day. This is the day that Jesus died on a cross, satisfying God's punishment for the sins of all who accept His act of love. Since that includes me and my sins, this sad Friday becomes a Good one for the world of sinners of which I am certainly one. I look forward to celebrating His triumph over death on Easter Sunday. He is risen. He is risen, indeed, Alleuia!
The longer I live, the more I see the evil embedded in nearly every one of the world's institutions. I feel lied to on many levels. Pilate once asked Jesus, "What is truth?" I wish he had stayed long enough to hear Jesus' answer to that one. I know not everyone shares my take on things, but my advice is, test everything. The fact that lots of people believe something does not make it true. Dig a little.
I felt moved to write. I am surprised at what appeared on my page, and did not set out to offend anyone. You are free to pick and chose, or simply disregard.
Easter Peace,
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