This whole staying home thing is new to all of us. Blogging a day at home is difficult because it is mostly uneventful. Doing yard work, cooking, working puzzles,TV. Nothing new there. Nevertheless, yesterday was the kind of day that refreshed the spirit and brought out a smile. Sunshine and temps in the 50's. We did take a fun ride on the four-wheeler, but still nothing to write home about.

Someone pointed out that there were many occasions in the Bible where peoples' lives were put on hold. Mary's nine months of pregnancy must have seemed long. Noah and family were in the ark for forty days and nights - not true social distancing since all of the remaining society was in the boat - but you can see the similarity. The children of Israel were in the desert 40 years. And before that 400 years in slavery in Egypt. Comparatively what we are asked to do is pretty painless.
We have found new enjoyment in the simple phone call, and spoke with at least 5 people by phone yesterday. I'm sure many of you, too, have discovered the joy of "Zooming". We figured out how to download the Zoom app to join the meeting that my daughter, Sarah, set up for the family last Sunday. Getting to see and talk with children and grandchildren via computers and phones is as close to a family get together as is possible right now, but it was a satisfyingly good time. People have names as they show up to the meeting. Several of our grandchildren collaboratively named us G-ma and R-boy.
We are slowly adjusting to our new monikers.
Anything new on your end?
I love the photo of you two kids on that "wild ride", but would also love to see your adventures with that Bobcat that's shown in the background! :-) Oh, what fun!
Roxanne Pieper (
P.S. Please say "Hello" to Paul and Rose for us!
Love your comments, Roxanne. We'll save the Bobcat for another day. Hope all is well with you and your family. We will surely greet Paul and Rose when we see them next!
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