Yesterday I bought a small cast iron frying pan. The box said to be sure to season it before use. That's all it said. Fortunately we live in a digital world, so I asked my search engine, "How do I season a cast iron pan?" Apparently a lot of people know how to do this.
I don't know if I have ever had my oven on 500 degrees for one full hour. They said the fire alarm may go off so turn on the fan and open the windows. Fortunately it is a pleasant 70 degrees today, so that worked out. It seems that you season a pan by making sure it is very dry and then rubbing it from top to bottom with Crisco or other cooking oil and then placing it in the aforementioned heated oven for one hour, after which you turn off the oven and let it cool down in the oven for another hour or so. Done.
Next I located a small, nearby town that has a city park with 14 tent spaces in it's camping section. The website gave a number to call at the city hall. It warned that if you made a reservation you had to pay upfront, and if you did not give them a week's warning you forfeited your deposit. I want to go on Thursday, two days from now. I called the number and, after hitting "1" for camp reservation I spoke with Doris.
Me: I was calling to see if you have any tent sites open for this Thursday.
Doris: I don't think..... just let me check the calendar.
Me, thinking: How did I think I could just call two days in advance and expect to find a spot to camp? I was hoping it would be a simple matter of deciding on the spur of the moment....
Doris: I don't think I have any tent reservations, so I guess you have your choice of sites. The ones up by the pool have electric, the ones farther away do not.
Me: So, if I decided to stay Friday night, too?
Doris: I don't have any reservations on Friday night either, so that's fine.
Me: Well, how would I do that then?
Doris: You can drive to the site and you'll find some yellow envelopes there for you to put the money in and just put the envelope into the box.
Me: So, how much do I put into the envelope?
Doris: It's $5 a night.
In early May I went to Door County, Wisconsin for a few days because I was going to lose my vacation points if I didn't use them by the end of May. The place I stay has a golf course included in the package, so I golfed every day. It was early for Door County season, so I almost always had the course to myself. I told everyone that I felt like Trump!
I'm not sure what having a city park to myself would feel like. I mean, who does that? I guess I could go and set up my tent, and see if there are others that come, too. I read about a group that was going camping into a dangerous area, and the advice they got was to have at least six people along because there always had to be someone who was awake to stand guard. Well, that would be me. I plan to pick one of the sites by the pool, but I probably won't sleep until the first kids show up for swimming lessons in the morning.
I could also just bail and go home, but then I would forfeit my deposit.
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