Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas 2016


 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

 For those who have not heard, we are experiencing our first holiday season without Paul. His health had been slowly failing these past few years, and in May we began having hospice services here at home. For the next few months he was able to walk short distances with his walker, but in September his mobility became very limited and I could no longer care for him at home. He entered a hospice facility in early September. Seventeen days later, on September 28, 2016, he entered his eternal home.

"I have fought the good fight"....he suffered patiently and without complaint. "I have finished the race".... words of comfort for his family. "I have kept the faith".... we do not grieve like those who have no hope.

He died 6 weeks before our 51st wedding anniversary. He was determined to make number 50, and he did. When he first became ill we had no grandchildren, and he prayed that he could live long enough to see a grandchild or two. God answered that prayer mightily. He lived to see 25 grandchildren (the youngest, Paul, was born on our 50th wedding anniversary) and one great granddaughter.

He was a well-loved pastor, friend, brother, father and husband.

We miss him terribly.


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