"May we all Your loved ones be,
All one holy family,
Loving, since your love we see:
Hear us, Holy Jesus."
What a wonderful blueprint for families. Knowing God's love and acceptance as children, holy and beloved, we would stop waiting for others to make us happy. Knowing that we were all in this thing called life together as family would cause us to give each other room to fail and grow.
I have heard it explained that we harshly judge others on their actions toward us, "I can't believe she would say such a thing!", but generously judge ourselves on our intent, "Well, what I said might have sounded hateful, but I didn't mean to hurt anyone by it." God tells us to do it the other way around. He says put the best construction on everything, so that conversation should have sounded like this: "I'm sure she didn't mean to be unkind," and "I can't believe I said such a hurtful thing." Gracious towards others, firm with ourselves.
And we are able to do this by imitating Christ. "We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19.
"Loving, since your love I see."
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