Remember when going to visit family on Sunday afternoon was a common event? It was not the practice in our family when I was growing up because we did not live close enough to relatives for a visit like that. But, I remember it was a lot harder to find the kids in the neighborhood to play with on Sundays because they always seemed to be at their grandpa and grandma's, or visiting their cousins. I grew up in small towns, where people tended to stay put, so I found it interesting to discover that people in big cities stay close to their area of birth as well. When my sister, Martha, moved to Baltimore, MD she and her husband were able to buy their home because the previous owner had an opportunity to purchase a house several blocks closer to her mother.

Today, however, we had Sunday company. Anna called and said, "What are you doing, and if the answer is 'nothing' how about if we swing by." So she and Jeff and the four kids came over for supper and a relaxed evening. They came to check up on Paul, to see that he was doing okay. We got to catch up with their lives and enjoy the kids. It was great to see all the changes in our youngest granddaughter, nine-month-old, Juliet. Babies change quickly. So much so that if you don't see them for a few weeks you hardly recognize them.
It seems like a "Sunday go visiting" would happen more often since we have three daughters in the area. But they are all busy with their families, and weekends always seem packed with things to do. Plus, we see one another often just by virtue of the daily events where we intersect. For instance, I went to my 5 year old grandson, Bradley's, Tai Kwon Do performance yesterday, so I saw Sarah and family there, and again in church this morning. Paula often comes on Monday's to help me sort out the basement, and we are all going to be at Sarah's for Easter.
Still, an old fashioned, "Let's go see Grandpa and Grandma because it is Sunday afternoon, and we feel like visiting", well that was a real treat.
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