Friday, January 28, 2011

New Book?

I am in the very early stages of flirting with the idea of writing another book. The idea of writing  is not the daunting part. It is the marketing. Writing and marketing are two different skills. I enjoy the first and tolerate the second. I know I could do a better job marketing my first book, The Pewsitters. In fact, if you have read that book and would be willing to help me out, I would love for you to write a review of the book on

That right there is marketing. Asking others to spread the word is not too farfetched since I have had some very  positive feeback on the material. I do not feel like I am asking people to make something up. In fact, I think some would write a very nice review for me. I just have not pursued  things like this that need to be done for the word to get out. Word of mouth works, but only if you ask people to put in a good word!

So, I guess I am taking a marketing run here, to test the waters for another book. Can I do those things necessary for an author to sell books? And if not, why would I want to author two books, and not get them into the hands of people for whom they are written?
Okay, here's an ad for my book:

The PewsittersThe Pewsitters
Skits and Devotions for Church and Home
by Katherine Hussmann Klemp "Author Katherine Hussmann Klemp offers a glimpse into God's hand at work in the lives of everyday Christians through these thirty-six user-friendly scripts and devotions."
$14.99 (paperback)

There. That wasn't so painful.


1 comment:

Dr. Barry L. Kolb said...

Write on! I have one published...3 in the hopper with my editor (son) and maybe another one soon. It is good therapy!